Go kit 是什么?
Go kit is a collection of Go (golang) packages (libraries) that help you build robust, reliable, maintainable microservices. It was originally conceived as a toolkit to help larger (so-called modern enterprise) organizations adopt Go as an implementation language. But it very quickly “grew downward”, and now serves smaller startups and organizations just as well. For more about the origins of Go kit, see Go kit: Go in the modern enterprise.
Go-kit是Go(golang)包(库)的集合,帮助您构建健壮、可靠、可维护的微服务。它初衷是做为一个工具包,用于帮助较大的组织(现代企业)采用Go作为实现语言。但它很快也为较小的初创企业和组织使用。有关Go-kit起源的更多信息,请参见 Go-kit:Go in the modern enterprise。
我为什么要用 Go kit?
You should use Go kit if you know you want to adopt the microservices pattern in your organization. Go kit will help you structure and build out your services, avoid common pitfalls, and write code that grows with grace.
Go kit can also help to justify Go as an implementation language to stakeholders like engineering managers or tech leads. Go kit de-risks both Go and microservices by providing mature patterns and idioms, written and maintained by a large group of experienced contributors, and validated in production environments.
Go kit 的背景?
Go kit was originally conceived by Peter Bourgon, but is now built and maintained by a large group of contributors from a diverse set of backgrounds and organizations. Go kit is presently an all-volunteer effort, and has no commercial backing.
Go-kit最初由Peter Bourgon构思,但现在由来自不同背景和组织的大量贡献者构建和维护。Go-kit目前全由志愿者进行维护,没有商业支持。
Is Go kit production-ready?
Yes. Go kit is being used in production in several organizations, large and small.
那些组织在用 Go kit?
Watch this space :)
Go-kit vs Go-Micro?
Like Go kit, Micro describes itself as a microservice toolkit. But unlike Go kit, Micro also describes itself as a microservice ecosystem. It takes a broader view, encoding expectations and opinions about the infrastructure and architecture. In short, I think Micro wants to be a platform; Go kit, in contrast, wants to integrate into your platform.
和Go-kit一样,Micro也将自己描述为一个microservice toolkit。但与Go-kit不同,Micro将自己描述为一个微服务生态系统。它采取了更广泛的观点,编码了对基础设施和架构的期望和意见。简而言之,我认为Micro希望成为一个平台;相比之下,Go-kit希望集成到您的平台中。